Thursday, June 3, 2010

Reality Bites

U.S.S. Shipwreck 1200-1600

It's after 2. I just got out of bed, although I have been up since 10:30. I am drinking my morning pot of coffee and although I should be on the phone with my phone company about my $600 phone bill, or with the mortgage company about my $5000 past due balance, or bathing and brushing my mangey-looking, shedding dogs, I am blogging. I hate dealing with real life things. Nathan moved in. He is being his messy, selfish self. He is not thrilled about living with me either. He was just informing me that he wants to hang himself from the ceiling fan every time he walks into the house. I'm not completely sure, but it may be the fact that I just finished off the rest of the laundry detergent washing Natalie and my clothes for the week and now he may have to go by his own. Natalie graduates from Kindergarten tomorrow. I will probably cry. I am working at Saia again. I wish that I could, like so many people, feel content with life knowing that my bills are paid, my credit is good, and my errands are done. I would rather write short stories or take up painting. My parents are still pushing me to go back into the Navy. I would like to give it a year and see if I can't get a teaching job by then. It's hard not to worry about having a retirement plan or making enough money. I just don't think I could go without seeing Natalie for that long though. I cringe to think about how she would turn out if she were raised by her father. I need to go make my bed and all of those other things that should satisfy my existence so I'll end here.


Agnes Puget said...

Sorry hun. I can't imagine what you are going through.

I would like to treat you to a cup of coffee in the near future. Let me know when and where works for you. Do you work evenings now?

Congrats to Natalie!!

muddyna said...

Crazy, that's just about the way I've been feeling lately. Something in the air lately is just..... off. Wish I had words of encouragement, but I'm faking it enough for myself to patronize you like that ;)

Anonymous said...

dude. you never write here anymore. and you aren't a dude. the writing thing is really just unfortunate. for the world. because you have a pretty good writing style. you know, for someone who is not a dude.