Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Sarah & Sarah Sitting in a Tree: A Conversation

U.S.S. Shipwreck
Cast: Sarah and DJ
Setting: The livingroom
Genre: Non-Fiction
DJ: I don't get that people think that Sarah Palin is hot.
Sarah: I don't either. Did you see those SNL skits from this weekend that she was actually in?
DJ: No.
Sarah: Tina Fey was in them too. She is hot.
Sarah: It was funny. Tina Fey as Sarah Palin was at a podium speaking and then Alec Baldwin came up to her and whispered in her ear. Then she said to him, 'the real one?' and started to walk off the stage. The real Sarah Palin was coming onto the stage as Tina Fey as Sarah Palin was leaving and they walk past each other, wearing the exact same thing. Man, Tina Fey looks just like her.
DJ: So do you think Sarah Palin is hot?
Sarah: Oh, no.
DJ: [cocks head slightly, giving Sarah an expression that begs her to consider this further].
Sarah: Oh.
Sarah: Well I think Tina Fey is hot because she is smart.

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