U.S.S. Shipwreck
Happy Holidays Everyone!
I received a lot of cool gifts this year. I wanted to share my top five favorites with you.

#5. Books: Miranda July's totally awesome new book of short stories and Gene Wilder's new novel. (Yes, Willy Wonka writes books!)

#4. Barack Obama's rad Commemorative Puzzle (given to me from Natalie via Nathan).

#3.Tool box bag. Very cliche I know... but this thing has really come in handy so far. I heart it. I got it during the white elephant Christmas Party at my parents' house.

#2. Pretty Purple iPod. Sarah hooked me up with this since my little iPod shuffle stopped working. Thanks Sarah Dee!!

#1. Okay. This is absolutely one of my favorites. Sarah tells me it is also the reason she is going to be one of the very few friends that I ever have in life. It's a 15th century knight's horse from the Trail of Painted Ponies collection. This picture of it does not do it justice. Come over and have a look! It's fantastic in real life! Natalie asked Sarah to get this for me as a gift from her.
Thanks Natalie!